Picking Gems from the Chaos of Words
Sometimes I just need simple instructions on some software or device. If I need clarity then undoubtedly others need clarity as well. When you do a search you sometimes get inaccurate, incorrect, incomplete and out-dated answers. There can be a lot of information available but picking gems from the chaos of words is not always easy. The search for that elusive piece of information that makes everything fall into place can be tiresome. Tek Eye is my contribution to easing the pain. Effectively putting my notes online for easy access. Maybe you can benefit from having me run my eye over some unneccessarily chaotic detail.
Here at Tek Eye I have been involved with computing for a long time, since the pre-Internet era and earlier. I understand computers. Most people do not understand how much of the infrastructure of the modern world works, especially computers, at least not under the hood. The technical people who build devices, software and web sites often forget about viewing their work from a user’s perspective. You can find a lot of information on the web on software and gadgets, by the creators and the consumers. However, the myriad of Internet articles and postings can often be chaotic and overwhelming, especially when you are looking for clear and concise instructions or solutions. When I come across something that is not explained simply it wastes time. You have to dig around for the little gems of information that are needed. When I find those gems they are written into a few notes so that the information needed is clearer and easier to understand.
When the Internet first started I was not interested in putting much online. Often my notes related to bespoke systems and solutions and would not be read by other people. However, I now have a reason to move more information online. The move to "cloud" computing provides an opportunity to simplify the working environment. The tools are now available to allow us to reduce the amount of "stuff" we have around. All the computers, devices, piles of paper, files (physical and electronic), in fact all the usual clutter accumulated with running an office can now be trashed and consolidated into a smartphone and some online services. So that is what I do. My technical notes are now hosted as articles so they are readily accessible from anywhere (and it reduces the chance of losing them). I hope that have managed to tear apart the jargon filled instructions on software, tools and devices, and written something a little more straightforward. Hopefully someone else finds it helpful (and they appreciate it).
See Also
- For a full list of all the articles in Tek Eye see the full site alphabetical Index.
Author:Daniel S. Fowler Published: Updated: